
Life… Life is complex, yes it is!
Sometimes, Life hits you hard with a rock straight on your head,
To knock you down,
To make you fall,
To open your eyes,
To make you see which path you are following,
To make you think what you are doing…
After being hit,
You feel and you ponder,
~Why you were being brutally hit by life?
~Why you were the only one being hit?
Then and only then,
You think, you analyze,
And you understand…
Now, you take a plunge for change…
Sometimes, you make a new start from scratch and sometimes just “Change”.
Once again, you find that Life has set you on a new and a right path,
A Path that defines you,
A Path that shows you, who you truly are and can become.
And You!
You thank life and move on…

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